Saturday, December 31, 2022

Stephen King's FAIRY TALE

...the past is history and the future is a mystery.

p. 48, chapter 3

All alcohol smells the same to me, of sadness and loss.

p. 141

My dad had a saying about computer-driven gear: Let a man get used to walking on a crutch and he can't walk without it.

Chapter Seventeen, p. 312

Saturday, December 10, 2022


Pinhead: "All is death, woman. All is pain. Love breeds loss. Isolation breeds resentment. No matter which way we turn, we are beaten. Our only true inheritance is death. And our only legacy, dust."

p. 188, chapter 13, Book 2

"I think babies cry when they're born because they're born with the knowledge of all the terrible shit that's gonna happen to them. That's why I never had kids. Every life is a death sentence. We just forget it later in life like dreams we lose the second we wake up. Whether we worry about it or not, the shit's still going to fly. The important thing is we're here. At least for now."
p. 296, chapter 12, Book 3