Monday, February 22, 2010

New Religion

I officially joined the First Unitarian Church downtown yesterday. It was pretty cool, my mother and two sisters came out for it. There was a potluck afterwards. My sister Diane made some meatballs, which turned out well since only one other person brought food -- apparently, most of the congregation didn't get the email alert earlier in the week, even though the potluck is every third Sunday. It worked out well, though.

In the afternoon, I hung out at my sister Diane's house. Her two boys seemed to enjoy the two battery-less lightsabers I dropped off that morning, which I had purchased on Saturday at the Church's rummage sale; I got my goddaughter (their sister) a little stuffed, flamboyant turtle.

That night, I had planned to clean and do a little laundry, but I got sucked into a YouTube void by watching clips of Head Case's Ali Wentworth. Goddamn, George Stephanopoulos must be loving life be married to her. Not only is she still beautiful, but she's actually gotten funnier with age. Nice to see her mature since her days on In Living Colour.

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