Wednesday, March 10, 2021

The Stars My Destination

Since I read some of The Expanse books and have watched every episode of the TV show, I reserved The Stars My Destination by Alfred Bester from my local library because I heard it's an influence on the series. The novel looks like this:

I was disappointed because it's the size of college textbook, the cover is lame, and the forward is by Neil Gaiman, who I'm not a fan of, though his Doctor Who episode, "The Doctor's Wife", is awesome (I wouldn't be surprised if showrunner Steven Moffat did a lot of rewriting on it). So I bought a third printing of the novel from around 1960:

What a cover! Can't believe is was only $7.40. Looking forward to it. You can't judge a book by its cover, but it doesn't hurt. . . .

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