Friday, August 30, 2019

Toronto, day 5

It's Friday now. Let's see if I can remember what I did on Monday, my last day in Toronto.

For breakfast, I'm pretty sure I went to Tim Horton's and got a croissant again with a bottle of OJ.

I probably just hung out at the hotel in the morning.

For lunch, I was going to go to that one place where I got that quasi-veggie sandwich the other day, but I opted the burger joint across the street. Mmm, hamburger. . . .

Afterwards I headed to Chinatown. I took the 510 light rail to the end of the line, then walked back towards Chinatown, about a mile and a half trek. It was a nice walk -- had to cut through the University of Toronto. I did some window-shopping.

In Chinatown (obviously), probably comparable to the Gate in Philly's Chinatown.
I grabbed an early dinner at a Northern Chinese restaurant. I ordered shrimp stir fry. It was interesting, to say the least. About two dozen shrimp, a little ginger, and about a dozen pieces of cucumber (they only served the outer edge, didn't include the seeds; seemed to cut one cucumber into five pieces) . . . all in a buttery sauce.

I then hit a souvenir shop and bought some stuff for my nephews for their birthdays and Christmas, and something for my mum on Xmas. Interestingly, it's the shop I went into first a few days ago. I checked out other joints, but this one had everything I was looking for.

Then, I dropped everything off at the hotel, did my back stretches, and headed down to the TIFF theatre again. I saw Honeyland. It was amazing! Didn't think a documentary could be that good.

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